
BookMooch:一个交换旧书的网站,09年8月初刚刚诞生。交换的程序很简单,把你不想要的书列在网上,然后如果有人需要(可以通过搜索或浏览别人列出的旧书),你就把书寄给他,然后你就可以得到一个point,当你发现中意的旧书时,就可以用这个point 去交换别人的旧书。寄书的运费是由旧书的主人承担的,基本上就是一种互惠的活动,因为别人寄书给你的时候别人也要承担邮费(你在注册时可以选择只同意国内邮寄或国际范围内都可)。呵呵,所有的书都是等价的,都只值一个point ,不过这样的设定也有它的合理之处,同一本书,在不同人的眼里价值是不一样的,交换可以使双方都得到自己喜欢的书。国内还没有这样的网站,我想这种模式是不是在中国也可以尝试一下呢?



  • Type books in: enter books you own and want to give away. Each book typed in gets you 1/10th of a point.(你自己列出的不要的书,每本书0.1点)
  • Give books away: respond to a mooch request, and send your book to them. 1 point awarded, 3 points if sent to another country.(如果有人要你寄出你所列的某本书,你成功寄出了,会得到1点积分,如果寄国外,得到3点积分)
  • Acknowledge Receipt: after you receive a book, leave feedback for the sender and earn 1/10th of a point. (如果你收到书了,你给寄送者留下反馈,会得到0.1点积分)

You use up points when(使用你的积分):

  • Mooching Books: each book you receive costs you 1 point, 2 points if it was postal mailed from another country.(索要:当你像别人索要书时,会从你帐户扣除1点积分,如果是国外寄来的会扣除2点积分)
  • Charities: you can give your points to worthwhile charities we work with. (捐赠你的积分)

Some additional facts:

  • 2:1 ratio: you have to send out at least 1 book for every 2 you receive. If you don’t keep this ratio up, you won’t be able to mooch any books, even if you have the points, until you improve your ratio. Sending internationally counts as 3 books.(2:1的比例,你寄出1本才可能索到2本,如果低于这个比例,将无法进行索要。国际寄送1本相当于3本。)
  • Feedback score: if your feedback score is bad, people may refuse your mooch requests. Efficient response and well-packaged books in good condition earn good feedback points.
  • Lost in the mail: if a book is "lost in the mail" the sender gets their point anyway, and the receiver doesn’t lose a point. You’re allowed a limited number of "books lost in the mail" in order for us to limit possible fraud.(如果寄丢了:如果书寄丢了,寄出者无论如何会得到积分,收书者不会因这次不成功的索要而失去积分。但是你寄丢书的个数是有限的,以防止欺骗)

    原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自混沌

    本文链接地址: 最近想仿bookmooch做个项目