
Xcode 4.5.2
The is the release version of the complete Xcode developer toolset for Mac, iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. It includes the iOS 6 SDK and OS X 10.8 SDK. Xcode 4.5.2 requires OS X Mountain Lion or OS X Lion.
Command Line Tools (OS X Mountain Lion) for Xcode – November 2012
This package enables UNIX-style development via Terminal by installing command line developer tools, as well as Mac OS X SDK frameworks and headers. Many useful tools are included, such as the Apple LLVM compiler, linker, and Make. If you use Xcode, these tools are also embedded within the Xcode IDE, and can be installed on your system using the Downloads preferences pane within Xcode 4.5.
Command Line Tools (OS X Lion) for Xcode – November 2012
This package enables UNIX-style development via Terminal by installing command line developer tools, as well as Mac OS X SDK frameworks and headers. Many useful tools are included, such as the Apple LLVM compiler, linker, and Make. If you use Xcode, these tools are also embedded within the Xcode IDE, and can be installed on your system using the Downloads preferences pane within Xcode 4.3 and later. This package requires Mac OS X 10.7.3 or later.



1、Time machine 备份10.7版本,要记住备份永远是第一位的。
3、准备一个8G 的 U盘,空白的,插入MBR备用,然后在10.7系统中点击 Finder-应用程序-使用工具-磁盘工具,打开磁盘工具后,将已下载的Install.dmg用鼠标拉入磁盘工具中,然后点击磁盘工具中的Install.dmg,在磁盘工具界面右方点击 恢复 ,这个时候,资源盘已经是 Install.dmg,我们不用管,我们把刚才准备的空白 U 盘 分区直接拉入目的磁盘,然后我们点击右下方的 恢复 按钮,恢复完成后我们就拥有了一个启动U盘。
4、重新启动电脑时按住OPTION按钮,系统会让你选择用哪个磁盘启动,咱们选咱们刚才做好的U盘就行了,然后等一会,进入启动界面,四个选项,第二个选项是安装10.8副本,我们选这个,点继续(我在这里的时候碰到一个问题,系统说我的系统盘不是GUID分区方案,这个时候我们需要退出10.8的安装,在四个选项界面里选最后一个,是磁盘工具选项,把系统盘格式成GUID分区,格式化后我们在四个选项界面选第一个,用 time capsule 来恢复之前我们备份的10.7系统,恢复完成后再从头开始安装10.8,不麻烦,很简单)

启动后你会发现,系统升级了,你的文件也都在,点击关于本机,你会发现时10.8.2了,赶紧做个软件升级,现在应该有Safari 6.0.2 和 iphoto 9.4.2 的升级,升级完成后一切OK!ENJOY IT.