分类: 技术文章
Summary of changes from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1
Objects with grace and keep set were mistakenly seen as candidates for the shortlived storage, but would not be cleaned up quickly, something that manifested as if there was a memory leak. This is now fixed.
When multiple clients were waiting for an object, all clients would be woken up when an object became available, leading to stuck threads. This has now been fixed
A bug in how XML entities were handled with ESI has been fixed
The documentation has seen numerous updates
varnishncsa is now more stable and has support for showing arbitrary request and response fields、
nginx 更新新的开发版本 1.1.2
Changes with nginx 1.1.2 05 Sep 2011
*) Change: now if total size of all ranges is greater than source
response size, then nginx disables ranges and returns just the source
*) Feature: the "max_ranges" directive.
*) Bugfix: the "ssl_verify_client", "ssl_verify_depth", and
"ssl_prefer_server_ciphers" directives might work incorrectly if SNI
was used.
*) Bugfix: in the "proxy/fastcgi/scgi/uwsgi_ignore_client_abort"
nginx 1.1.1 8月22日已放出
Changes with nginx 1.1.1 22 Aug 2011
*) Change: now cache loader processes either as many files as specified
by "loader_files" parameter or works no more than time specified by
"loader_threshold" parameter during each iteration.
*) Change: now SIGWINCH signal works only in deamon mode.
*) Feature: now shared zones and caches use POSIX semaphores on
Thanks to Den Ivanov.
*) Feature: accept filters are now supported on NetBSD.
*) Bugfix: nginx could not be build on Linux 3.0.
*) Bugfix: nginx did not use gzipping in some cases; the bug had
appeared in 1.1.0.
*) Bugfix: request body might be incorrectly processed if client used
*) Bugfix: in the "request_body_in_single_buf" directive.
*) Bugfix: in "proxy_set_body" and "proxy_pass_request_body" directives
if SSL connection to backend was used.
*) Bugfix: nginx hogged CPU if all servers in an upstream were marked
as "down".
*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur during reconfiguration if
ssl_session_cache was defined but not used in a previous
*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if many
backup servers were used in an upstream.
*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if
"fastcgi/scgi/uwsgiparam" directives were used with values starting
with "HTTP"; the bug had appeared in 0.8.40.
nginx 1.1.0 已发布,本站已更新
Changes with nginx 1.1.0 01 Aug 2011
*) Feature: cache loader run time decrease.
*) Feature: "loader_files", "loader_sleep", and "loader_threshold"
options of the "proxy/fastcgi/scgi/uwsgi_cache_path" directives.
*) Feature: loading time decrease of configuration with large number of
HTTPS sites.
*) Feature: now nginx supports ECDHE key exchange ciphers.
Thanks to Adrian Kotelba.
*) Feature: the "lingering_close" directive.
Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
*) Bugfix: in closing connection for pipelined requests.
Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
*) Bugfix: nginx did not disable gzipping if client sent "gzip;q=0" in
"Accept-Encoding" request header line.
*) Bugfix: in timeout in unbuffered proxied mode.
Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
*) Bugfix: memory leaks when a "proxy_pass" directive contains
variables and proxies to an HTTPS backend.
Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
*) Bugfix: in parameter validaiton of a "proxy_pass" directive with
Thanks to Lanshun Zhou.
*) Bugfix: SSL did not work on QNX.
Thanks to Maxim Dounin.
*) Bugfix: SSL modules could not be built by gcc 4.6 without
–with-debug option.
wordpress 3.2.1放出
WordPress 3.2.1 2011 年 7 月 13 日, Jiehan 现在,在 WordPress 3.2 版本下载量达到一百余万次之后,我们发布 WordPress 3.2.1。这个维护版本修复了一些服务器上可能发生的 JSON 不兼容问题,同时还包括控制板样式和 Twenty Eleven 主题的小修补。 要查看所有修改,请访问中文 Codex 文档页面、更新历史(英文)或解决的工单列表(英文)。 下载 3.2.1,或在您站点后台的“控制板” → “更新”菜单进行升级。
在火狐4.0发布三个月后,开源机构Mozilla提前在服务器上传Firefox 5.0最终版的下载链接。目前,从测试人员反馈信息得知,Firefox 5已相继释出了Beta、RC发布候选版(5.0b7)和Final builds。而下一代火狐6.0将在5.0推出两周后进入Beta测试。
之前安装了火狐4.0的用户会在24-48小时内收到需要更新的升级通知,官方欢迎插件开发者能在新版本中测试插件的运行情况。为了配合新版本的发布,Mozilla官方计划终止对Firefox 3.5的支持服务,强制用户升级到3.6.18.
据Firefox发布主管Christian Legnitto透露,新版Firefox 5.0的外观和使用体验与4.0颇为类似,但仍然带来一系列亮点功能:
WordPress.org 密码重置
2011 年 6 月 22 日, Jiehan
今天早些时候,WordPress 开发团队注意到部分热门插件(AddThis、WPtouch 及 W3 Total Cache)的代码库中出现可疑的代码提交,且包含伪装巧妙的后门。开发团队断定,这些代码的提交操作并非出自作者之手,因此将代码库回滚,并为这些插件推送更新。同时开发团队也关闭了插件代码库的存权限,继续查找其他可疑内容。
开发团队尚在研究具体情况,但作为预防措施,他们决定强制所有 WordPress.org 用户重置密码。用户在使用论坛、trac 或对插件或主题提交代码之前均需重置密码。(bbPress.org 与 BuddyPress.org 也受到影响)
其次,如果安装有 AddThis、WPtouch 或 W3 Total Cache 并有可能在过去一天内进行了更新,请确保访问更新页面并升级各插件为最新版。
参见 WordPress Development Blog,多谢 xslidian 提供翻译稿。
nginx 版本升级到1.0.4