



Adobe Flash Media Server 4.5 x86/x64/Linux x64


Adobe® Flash® Media Server 4.5 software now delivers media to multiple platforms — including Apple iOS devices — with a choice of powerful protocols that can save significant bandwidth costs and lighten network load. Encode once and deliver across platforms with on-demand media packaging. Deliver exceptional media experiences with protected delivery and real-time encryption for your high-quality content. Adobe.Flash.Media.Server.v4.5.Incl.Keymaker-CORE Adobe.Flash.Media.Server.v4.5.x64.Incl.Keymaker-CORE Adobe.Flash.Media.Server.v4.5.Linux.x64.Incl.Keymaker-CORE No mirrors below please.


Changes with nginx 1.1.14                                        30 Jan 2012
) Feature: multiple "limit_req" limits may be used simultaneously.
) Bugfix: in error handling while connecting to a backend.        Thanks to Piotr Sikora.
) Bugfix: in AIO error handling on FreeBSD.
) Bugfix: in the OpenSSL library initialization.
) Bugfix: the "proxy_redirect" directives might not be correctly        inherited.
) Bugfix: memory leak during reconfiguration if the "pcre_jit"        directive was used.



我原来的手机是MOTO ME525,也叫DEFY,在WIN机器上和MOTO手机的安卓系统中都安装了豌豆荚,导入导出通讯录是基本功能(具体操作参见豌豆荚官网),豌豆荚从手机导出的通讯录是一个VCF后缀文件,这个VCF后缀文件其实包含了很多VCF名片夹,这点很方便,不用一个一个导入GMAIL了。


申请好GMAIL后用IE登陆进去,你会发现在登陆界面的左上角有两个中文的邮件两个字,旁边有个小倒三角,点这个,选择通讯录,然后找 导入… 这个按钮,点击后就可以从WIN机器上导入VCF文件了,稍微等了一会,我的MOTO通讯录就全导入到GMAIL账户中了。





nginx 发布 1.1.13

Changes with nginx 1.1.13                                        16 Jan 2012

    *) Feature: the "TLSv1.1" and "TLSv1.2" parameters of the
       "ssl_protocols" directive.

    *) Bugfix: the "limit_req" directive parameters were not inherited
       correctly; the bug had appeared in 1.1.12.

    *) Bugfix: the "proxy_redirect" directive incorrectly processed
       "Refresh" header if regular expression were used.

    *) Bugfix: the "proxy_cache_use_stale" directive with "error" parameter
       did not return answer from cache if there were no live upstreams.

    *) Bugfix: the "worker_cpu_affinity" directive might not work.

    *) Bugfix: nginx could not be built on Solaris; the bug had appeared in

    *) Bugfix: in the ngx_http_mp4_module.

shell 命令行下光标移动操作快捷键

放在这里免得忘了,C代表Ctrl,+ 就是一起按的意思

C+l  清屏命令
C+a 移动光标到行首
C+e 移动光标到行尾
C+h 往后删除一个字符
C+d 往前删除一个字符
C+b 往后移动一个字符
C+f 往前移动一个字符

C+w 剪切前一个单词(空格间隔的字符串单元)
C+u 剪切到行首
C+k 剪切到行尾
C+r 查找历史执行命令
C+p 前一条指令
C+n 后一条指令

nginx 1.1.12释出,圣诞节也不安生

Changes with nginx 1.1.12                                        26 Dec 2011

*) Change: a "proxy_pass" directive without URI part now uses changed
URI after redirection with the "error_page" directive;
Thanks to Lanshun Zhou.

*) Feature: the "proxy/fastcgi/scgi/uwsgi_cache_lock",
"proxy/fastcgi/scgi/uwsgi_cache_lock_timeout" directives.

*) Feature: the "pcre_jit" directive.

*) Feature: the "if" SSI command supports captures in regular

*) Bugfix: the "if" SSI command did not work inside the "block" command.

*) Bugfix: the "limit_conn_log_level" and "limit_req_log_level"
directives might not work.

*) Bugfix: the "limit_rate" directive did not allow to use full
throughput, even if limit value was very high.

*) Bugfix: the "sendfile_max_chunk" directive did not work, if the
"limit_rate" directive was used.

*) Bugfix: a "proxy_pass" directive without URI part always used
original request URI if variables were used.

*) Bugfix: a "proxy_pass" directive without URI part might use original
request after redirection with the "try_files" directive;
Thanks to Lanshun Zhou.

*) Bugfix: in the ngx_http_scgi_module.

*) Bugfix: in the ngx_http_mp4_module.

*) Bugfix: nginx could not be built on Solaris; the bug had appeared in

nginx 1.1.11 开发版释出

Changes with nginx 1.1.11                                        12 Dec 2011

*) Feature: the "so_keepalive" parameter of the "listen" directive.
Thanks to Vsevolod Stakhov.

*) Feature: the "if_not_empty" parameter of the
"fastcgi/scgi/uwsgi_param" directives.

*) Feature: the $https variable.

*) Feature: the "proxy_redirect" directive supports variables in the
first parameter.

*) Feature: the "proxy_redirect" directive supports regular expressions.

*) Bugfix: the $sent_http_cache_control variable might contain a wrong
value if the "expires" directive was used.
Thanks to Yichun Zhang.

*) Bugfix: the "read_ahead" directive might not work combined with
"try_files" and "open_file_cache".

*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if small
time was used in the "inactive" parameter of the "proxy_cache_path"

*) Bugfix: responses from cache might hang.

关于正则表达式中的 “?”


一为匹配前面的子表达式零次或一次。例如,"do(es)?" 可以匹配 "do" 或 "does" 中的"do" 。? 等价于 {0,1}。

二为当该字符紧跟在任何一个其他限制符 (*, +, ?, {n}, {n,}, {n,m})
后面时,匹配模式是非贪婪的。非贪婪模式尽可能少的匹配所搜索的字符串,而默认的贪婪模式则尽可能多的匹配所搜索的字符串。例如,对于字符串 "oooo",’o+?’ 将匹配单个 "o",而 ‘o+’ 将匹配所有 ‘o’。

所以 (.*?)中问号的含义应匹配第二种解释,就是非贪婪模式,最小匹配原则


手持GPS可以记录路线,出路书给其他驴友,不过价格不菲,好的都需要1000多大米,没关系,现在是智能手机时代,我的手机系统是安卓的,可以下载GPS2GE,记录路线,生成KML文件,直接导进GOOGLE EARTH,生成路书,并可以配上路上的图片,现在手机像素都很高了,手机拍相机拍都可以。
