nginx 更新新的开发版本 1.1.2

Changes with nginx 1.1.2                                         05 Sep 2011

    *) Change: now if total size of all ranges is greater than source
       response size, then nginx disables ranges and returns just the source

    *) Feature: the "max_ranges" directive.

    *) Bugfix: the "ssl_verify_client", "ssl_verify_depth", and
       "ssl_prefer_server_ciphers" directives might work incorrectly if SNI
       was used.

    *) Bugfix: in the "proxy/fastcgi/scgi/uwsgi_ignore_client_abort"

nginx 1.1.1 8月22日已放出

Changes with nginx 1.1.1                                         22 Aug 2011

    *) Change: now cache loader processes either as many files as specified
       by "loader_files" parameter or works no more than time specified by
       "loader_threshold" parameter during each iteration.

    *) Change: now SIGWINCH signal works only in deamon mode.

    *) Feature: now shared zones and caches use POSIX semaphores on
       Thanks to Den Ivanov.

    *) Feature: accept filters are now supported on NetBSD.

    *) Bugfix: nginx could not be build on Linux 3.0.

    *) Bugfix: nginx did not use gzipping in some cases; the bug had
       appeared in 1.1.0.

    *) Bugfix: request body might be incorrectly processed if client used

    *) Bugfix: in the "request_body_in_single_buf" directive.

    *) Bugfix: in "proxy_set_body" and "proxy_pass_request_body" directives
       if SSL connection to backend was used.

    *) Bugfix: nginx hogged CPU if all servers in an upstream were marked
       as "down".

    *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur during reconfiguration if
       ssl_session_cache was defined but not used in a previous

    *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if many
       backup servers were used in an upstream.

    *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if
       "fastcgi/scgi/uwsgiparam" directives were used with values starting
       with "HTTP
"; the bug had appeared in 0.8.40.


原来一直用SQUID2.6,有个问题一直没有解决,同样的配置,同样的版本,有的站点是GZIP,有的就不压缩,多次检查问题仍无果,后来,索性用varnish测试,一次成功,13台squid均换成了11台varnish,大概进行了1个多月,才基本搞定,期间日志问题更是头疼,varnish3出现解决了大问题,可以定义日志格式,后来又经过了其他一系列磨难,终于上周五,varnish修成正果,这个星期就是检查看看有哪些小地方需要修改,比如日志格式过大的问题,原来SQUID不记录图片日志,nolog就可以,varnish还没查询,继续努力中…  等有结果了,应该写个PDF大家共勉之。

nginx 1.0.5 放出,修正如下

Changes with nginx 1.0.5                                         19 Jul 2011

    *) Change: now default SSL ciphers are "HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5".
       Thanks to Rob Stradling.

    *) Feature: the "referer_hash_max_size" and "referer_hash_bucket_size"
       Thanks to Witold Filipczyk.

    *) Feature: $uid_reset variable.

    *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process, if a
       caching was used.
       Thanks to Lanshun Zhou.

    *) Bugfix: worker processes may got caught in an endless loop during
       reconfiguration, if a caching was used; the bug had appeared in
       Thanks to Maxim Dounin.

    *) Bugfix: "stalled cache updating" alert.
       Thanks to Maxim Dounin.

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wordpress 3.2.1放出

WordPress 3.2.1 2011 年 7 月 13 日, Jiehan 现在,在 WordPress 3.2 版本下载量达到一百余万次之后,我们发布 WordPress 3.2.1。这个维护版本修复了一些服务器上可能发生的 JSON 不兼容问题,同时还包括控制板样式和 Twenty Eleven 主题的小修补。 要查看所有修改,请访问中文 Codex 文档页面、更新历史(英文)或解决的工单列表(英文)。 下载 3.2.1,或在您站点后台的“控制板” → “更新”菜单进行升级。


本人有个DELL 1425笔记本,2年前买的,现在还差10几天过保,出现花屏问题,经DELL官方维修站鉴定为显卡虚接,因此独立显卡是焊在板子上的,需更换主板,但此时发现我主板上其他地方有人为焊接痕迹,可我本人这2年从来没报修过,也没有拿到外面修过电脑,等于此电脑根本就是个返修货,从出厂的时候板子就被焊过了,这种事情打官司也是赢不了的,因为主板在机器里,你收货的时候不可能打开机器外壳检查板子,只能自认倒霉,找朋友焊显卡接口。





WordPress在美国独立日发布了3.2正式版,这是3.1版本发布一个月,下载量突破1500万后的又一个主要版本,新版带来了更快的速度和更轻量级的代码,并带来了HTML5构建的Twenty Eleven主题,在写文章的同时还可以以全屏方式进行。 密码重置

2011 年 6 月 22 日, Jiehan

今天早些时候,WordPress 开发团队注意到部分热门插件(AddThis、WPtouch 及 W3 Total Cache)的代码库中出现可疑的代码提交,且包含伪装巧妙的后门。开发团队断定,这些代码的提交操作并非出自作者之手,因此将代码库回滚,并为这些插件推送更新。同时开发团队也关闭了插件代码库的存权限,继续查找其他可疑内容。

开发团队尚在研究具体情况,但作为预防措施,他们决定强制所有 用户重置密码。用户在使用论坛、trac 或对插件或主题提交代码之前均需重置密码。( 与 也受到影响)


其次,如果安装有 AddThisWPtouchW3 Total Cache 并有可能在过去一天内进行了更新,请确保访问更新页面并升级各插件为最新版。

参见 WordPress Development Blog,多谢 xslidian 提供翻译稿。